Concurso Logo Reunión SAFV 2023

Tenemos el gusto de dirigirnos a ustedes para invitarles a participar del concurso para el diseño del logo de la XXXIV Reunión de la SAFV a realizarse en Rosario en 2023. En esta reunión, al igual que en reuniones anteriores, se abordará un amplio abanico de temas y aproximaciones relacionadas con la fisiología de plantas, incluyendo ecofisiología, genética, fisiología de planta entera, biología celular, biología molecular y bioquímica vegetal.
El foco de la reunión estará dirigido a la resiliencia de las plantas a condiciones de estrés, singularmente aquellas que cobran mayor protagonismo a consecuencia de las actividades antrópicas. Se espera que la propuesta del logo exprese el espíritu de la reunión teniendo en cuenta los distintos aspectos relacionados con las temáticas a abordar. Este logotipo se utilizará para la difusión del evento (materiales de difusión, banners, flyers, página web, etc.).

¿Quiénes pueden participar?

Podrán participar de este concurso todos los socios y todas las socias de la SAFV, en calidad activa o becarix, que se encuentren al día con el pago de la cuota societaria 2022. 

¿Cómo hacerlo?

Las interesadas e interesados pueden enviar su propuesta hasta el 30 de diciembre de 2022.
El material se enviará en formato electrónico al siguiente email:

En el mail deben figurar los siguientes datos:

  1. En el asunto se debe indicar: “Concurso logo RAFV2023”.
  2. Nombrar el archivo adjunto de la siguiente manera: “Nombre y apellido-logo RAFV2023”
  3. Incluir los siguientes datos en el cuerpo del mail:
    • Nombre y apellido:
    • Institución a la que pertenece:
    • Ocupación/cargo:
    • Dirección y localidad:
    • Número telefónico:
    • Correo electrónico:

Por favor agregar una muy breve descripción de la idea o espíritu del logo creado

Instrucciones para la elaboración y envío del logo:

Enviá el archivo en soporte digital, preferiblemente en formato vectorial escalable (.svg, .pdf, .eps), ya que es importante que en el logo se distingan todos sus elementos (los que se puedan ver a cualquier escala) y que sea adaptable a distintos tipos de soportes.  Si utilizás un formato con resolución fija (.psd, .png, .jpg, .tiff), la imagen debe tener calidad suficiente para su edición e impresión en distintos soportes (se recomienda una resolución no menor a 300 dpi) y con colores fácilmente adaptables a escala de grises. El logo debe ser una creación original del/la participante, no utilizada previamente en otros congresos, sitios web, etc. Las propuestas deben ser hechas de modo individual.


Una comisión constituida por la Dras. Galatro y Drincovich y por el Dr. Gomez-Casati evaluará las propuestas enviadas.
El logo seleccionado se publicará en la página web de la sociedad, en la que también se dará a conocer el resultado del Concurso.
Se premiará a quien envíe el logo ganador, con la inscripción gratuita a la XXXIV Reunión de la SAFV.  La propuesta ganadora cederá todos los derechos de uso del logo a la SAFV.


RAFV Conference 2021
XXXIII Argentinian meeting of Plant Physiology. (Reunión Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal)
September 13-17 2021, Santa Fe, Argentina (on line)

RAFV2021’s official language is English. All talks, posters, and communications within the meeting should adhere to this.

* Argentinean Local Time (GMT -3)

** Poster and video presentations, and the associated chat platform, will be available during the entire meeting. The proposed time (17:15-19:00) provide a time frame free of additional activities to interact with the posted material. 
***Plenary lectures will remain available on the platform after the talk with the contentment of the speaker.

7th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants

7th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants
Towards a sustainable phosphorus utilization in agroecosystems


October, 3 to 6, 2022

Montevideo Uruguay

Hybrid Format – On-site and live streaming


  • Theme 1: Phosphorus forms, availability and cycling in soils
  • Theme 2: Phosphorus acquisition by plants and microorganisms
  • Theme 3: Phosphorus utilization and signaling in plants
  • Theme 4: Sustainable intensification of phosphorus supply in food production
  • Theme 5: Impact of phosphorus on environmental quality and on biodiversity

Click here for more information

XVIII National Congress of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

We cordially invite you to attend the XVIII National Congress of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology join with the XI Symposium Mexico-USA and the ASPB Mexican Section Meeting to be held in the Hotel Holiday Inn Mérida, México between 28 (Registration day) to 31 October (Final talk & Closure), 2019.
Following the vision of promoting and strengthen collaboration between Mexican and USA Investigators, hold for 22 years, in this occasion we join for the first time as part of the ASPB regional section.

The conference will include Keynote and Plenary lectures from prestigious academic leaders in the Plant Field that will address the state of the art in selected scientific topics. It is highly gratifying to have the valuable participation of distinguished colleagues from Mexico and USA interested to meet and interact with their peers, particular young investigators and students.

This conference encourages the participation of young scientists, motivated students and postdocs to submit their abstracts to be considered for oral presentations by the scientific committee.

Selected abstracts will be chosen for a prize and distinctions and the “Federico Sanchez” prize that honors our funder member.

Mérida, “The White City” was founded by Francisco de Montejo in 1542 over the ruins of T-hò, an ancient Mayan settlement. During the colonial period, stones taken from the Mayan temples were used to build several churches and convents that can be seen in Mérida today, Merida, located in the Yucatán peninsula, is also close to gorgeous archeological and beautiful natural places.

¡See you in Merida 2019!

Deadlines to Keep in Mind

August 30: Abstract submission to be considered for talks
August 30: Early registration ends
September 30: Last day for Abstract submission to be included in the Conference memories
September 30: Last day to ensure a Hotel reservation

8th International Symposium on the Environmental Physiology of Ectotherms and Plants

We are very pleased to inform you that this year we will be hosting the 8°International Symposium on the Environmental Physiology of Ectotherms and Plants, ISEPEP8. The meeting will take place in Buenos Aires City, Argentina from July 29th to August 2nd 2019.
For those who have not attended previous meetings,ISEPEP is a small, single-session meeting. This format allows rich open and active interaction, gathering participants from 20+ countries. Past meetings originated numerous international collaborations and PhD and post doc opportunities for young scientists.
Previous ISEPEP meetings have been held in Roskilde (Denmark), Dunedin (New Zealand), Tsukuba (Japan), Rennes (France), London (Ontario, Canada), Aarhus (Denmark) and Tartu (Estonia). This is the first time that the meeting will move to South America, specifically to Argentina.
Traditionally the meeting focuses on invertebrate environmental physiology; plant and vertebrate ectotherm environmental physiologists are also very welcome. Topics covered will include (but are not restricted to) thermal biology, water balance and anhydrobiosis, metabolism, climate change, and applied ecological physiology.

Please pass this information to anyone who you think might be a potential attendees. For more information please contact We look forward to seeing you next austral winter!


Cold tolerance / Heat tolerance / Ion & Water Balance / Anhydrobiosis / Phenotypic plasticity / Evolutionary physiology / Metabolism & Energetics / Gas exchange / Diapause